RRB Assistant Loco Pilot 2011 Syllabus, Paper Pattern, Recruitment Procedure, Selection Procedure

(Ministry of Railways)
Indian Railways Centralised Employment for Assistant Loco Pilot
16595 Assistant Loco Pilot Vacancies in Railway (Last Date : 12/09/2011)
Recruitment Procedure
The candidates who have elected one of the regional language as medium of examination will be supplied question booklet in English, Hindi, Urdu & Regional language of concerned RRB. Those who have not elected regional languages as medium of examination will be supplied question booklet in English, Hindi & Urdu only.
The selection is made strictly as per merit, on the basis of written examination. In addition, Aptitude Test will also be conducted for candidates qualified in the written test. Thereafter, short listed candidates will be called for verification of the original documents according to merit, availability of vacancies and reservation rules.
There shall be negative marking in written examination and marks shall be deducted for each wrong answer @1/3 of the allotted marks for each question
The syllabus for the written exam will be generally in conformity with the educational standards and/or technical qualifications prescribed for the posts. The Questions will be of objective type with multiple answers and likely to include questions pertaining to General Knowledge, General English / General Hindi, General Arithmetic, Analytical and Quantitative Skills and those subjects covered as part of minimum educational/technical qualifications for the post. The question paper will be in English, Hindi & Urdu only. In the case of candidates who have elected any one of the regional languages offered by the concerned RRB, the question paper will be in English, Hindi, Urdu & the elected regional language. The duration of the examination will be 11/2 hours with 120 questions.
The Railway Recruitment Board, at its discretion may hold additional written test(s) if considered necessary for all or for a limited number of candidates as may be deemed fit by Railway Recruitment Board.
The date, time and venue of the written examination and Aptitude Test will be fixed by the RRB and will be intimated to the eligible candidates in due course. Request for postponement of the examination / Aptitude Test and change of centre/venue will not be entertained under any circumstances.
Stages of examination are given against the post. Based on the performance of candidates in the examination, the candidates equal to the number of vacancies will be called for document verification in the main list. In addition 30% extra candidates are also called as standby candidates and they are considered for empanelment only if there is a shortfall in empanelment from the main list. During document verification, the candidates will have to produce their original certificates. No additional time will be given and the candidature of the candidates not producing their original certificates on the date of verification is liable to be cancelled.
The appointment of selected candidates is subject to his/her passing requisite Medical Fitness Test to be conducted by the Railway Administration, final verification of educational and community certificate and verification of antecedent/character of the candidate.
Sarkari Naukri @ Tipsadda Network
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